Train-the-Trainer: Empowering Youth to address Hazing, Harassment, and Bullying

Train-the-Trainer: Empowering Youth to address Hazing, Harassment, and Bullying

The Coalition for Transforming School Safety has come together to offer an all-day youth-led training that includes three workshops to empower youth to organize and learn how to address bullying, harassment, and hazing in their schools. The workshops will cover 1) bystander intervention, 2) know your rights, and 3) advocacy initiatives in schools. 

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Statewide Youth Gathering

Statewide Youth Gathering

We are hosting our first Statewide Youth Gathering on Friday, April 11, 2024 in Fairlee, VT! Get ready for meaningful connections, delicious food, skill sharing, and joyful learning! The theme will be “a call to unity: the power of connections in activism”.

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Educator of Color Retreat
to May 18

Educator of Color Retreat

The Vermont Educators of Color Association is hosting a retreat May 16-18 at Vermont Farm & Wilderness in Plymouth, VT. If you are a self-identified educator of color, we encourage you to join us!

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Camp Free to Be
to Aug 21

Camp Free to Be

This is a BIPOC-centered camp for youth 12-17 years of age. Our mission is to bring youth of color into nature and provide opportunities for connection, healing and joy.

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Supporting Immigrant Students and Families: Resources and Tools for School Workers

Supporting Immigrant Students and Families: Resources and Tools for School Workers

This training will function as both a "train-the-trainers" event as well as a general Know Your Rights overview for school workers and community advocates. Participants will learn about the key legal foundations that guarantee education to all students, regardless of immigration status, the legal foundation and best practices that schools and educators should use while interacting with ICE, and how to ensure that students, staff, and community members all understand the rights of immigrants without legal status in the United States.

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Conflict Process 101 Training

Conflict Process 101 Training

Our Relational Care Crew is excited to share our conflict process for our organization. In this 101 training we're excited to normalize conflict, share this process with you, and practice engaging in the process together. 

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Joy not Jails: Art for Abolition

Joy not Jails: Art for Abolition

Come join the Education Justice Coalition for a special event for Free Her’s week of abolition. At this event we'll be exploring how the arts can move us towards liberation. We will be centering the art, voices, and stories of incarcerated folks. Come and make art together including collage making, banner painting, song writing, poetry, and more.

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Educator of Color Retreat
to Oct 20

Educator of Color Retreat

Hosted by the Vermont Educators of Color Association – A grassroots group working to build relationships and make change for educators of color in Vermont. While many of us are k-12 educators, we welcome educators in any setting from early education, to after school, to higher education, please join us to heal and connect!

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BIPOC Overnight Camp
to Aug 22

BIPOC Overnight Camp

The BIPOC Overnight Camp is for youth of color ages 12-17. Our mission is to bring youth of color into nature and provide opportunities for connection, healing and joy. The camp takes place at the Common Ground Center in Starksboro, VT.

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BTV CopWatch is hosting a screening of the documentary #NoCopAcademy followed by a post-screening panel discussion, Q&A, and dinner with 4 young organizers featured in the film & involved in the Chicago struggle and 2 of the filmmakers.

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Summer Social Justice Camp
to Aug 1

Summer Social Justice Camp

The Summer Social Justice Camp is a day camp facilitated by youth for youth! It is for middle and high school students who live anywhere in Chittenden County and takes place at Outright Vermont’s space in Burlington. It is planned and facilitated by our youth organizers. Applicants will share what they want to learn about and we spend each day of camp on a different topic.

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Educators of Color Retreat
to May 11

Educators of Color Retreat

The Vermont Educators of Color Association is hosting a retreat May 9th-11th at the Common Ground Center in Starksboro. If you are a self-identified educator of color, we encourage you to join us! While many of us are k-12 educators, we welcome educators in any setting from early education, to after school, to higher education.

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Info Session: BIPOC Overnight Camp

Info Session: BIPOC Overnight Camp

Want to learn more about our BIPOC Overnight Camp? Join us for our BIPOC Overnight Camp Info Session on Monday, May 6th, 6-7pm on Zoom! B.O.C. is a BIPOC-centered camp for youth 12-17 years of age that takes place at the Common Ground Center in Starksboro.

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Education for Social Justice Conference

Education for Social Justice Conference

Save the date for our second annual Education for Social Justice Conference: powered by the people, collective power for collective liberation! Our conference is a space for youth, educators, and community members to build relationships and learn how to transform our schools towards justice and inclusivity.

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Conflict Process Training

Conflict Process Training

We are excited to share our new conflict process for our organization. The training will take place on Wednesday, April 3rd, 5-7pm on Zoom. In this 101 training, we're excited to normalize conflict, share this process with you, and practice engaging in the process together.

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Teaching Palestine

Teaching Palestine

We know teaching and talking about Palestine takes a lot of courage. In this historic moment, Jewish Voice for Peace wants to help you learn and grow as an educator or community member. Educators and participants will be provided context, history and tools to teach about Palestine in their classrooms and talk about Palestine with community members.

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Teaching Palestine: A struggle for the past, present and future!

Teaching Palestine: A struggle for the past, present and future!

We know Teaching Palestine takes a lot of courage. In this historic moment, Jewish Voice for Peace wants to help you learn and grow as an educator. During our event, we will be reviewing history, current events, and connections to struggles across the globe. Educators will be provided context, history, and tools to teach about Palestine in their classrooms while simultaneously addressing fears and concerns regarding teaching this topic in K-12 public and private schools.

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From Incarceration to Education

From Incarceration to Education

Join Free Her, Vermont Student Anti-racism Network, and the Education Justice Coalition at our Incarceration to Education event. We’ll be marching from the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility to Orchard School to demonstrate our commitment to moving resources. Upon gathering we’ll hear from Free Her on their important campaign to stop the building of a new Women's Prison in Vermont. Then join us at the school for a shared meal and community panel to hear from students, educators, and community members on this topic.

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Edu Color Fall 2023 Retreat
to Oct 29

Edu Color Fall 2023 Retreat

The Vermont Educators of Color Association is hosting a retreat October 27th-29th at Hulbert Outdoor Center in Fairlee, VT. If you are a self-identified educator of color, we encourage you to join us! While many of us are k-12 educators, we welcome educators in any setting from early education, to after school, to higher education.

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Educator of Color Symposium

Educator of Color Symposium

The Vermont Educators of Color Association is launching their affiliate program with the first annual Educators of Color Symposium. This half day learning opportunity will be focused on giving school admin and education leaders the perspective and skills to better support and sustain educators of color.

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BIPOC Summer Camp
to Aug 14

BIPOC Summer Camp

Join us for our first annual BIPOC Summer Camp. We are offering this overnight camp to students who are 12-18 years of age and identify as BIPOC. It will be at the Common Ground Center in Starksboro.

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Summer Social Justice Camp
to Jul 27

Summer Social Justice Camp

Join us for a Summer Social Justice Camp facilitated by youth for youth! It is for middle and high school students who live anywhere in Chittenden County. It will be facilitated by Auishma Pradhan, Mea Ree Jan, Eliza Willis, and Kayla Loving. Participants will choose topics of what they’d like to learn about and discuss. We’ll spend each day on a different topic.

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Info Session: BIPOC Summer Camp

Info Session: BIPOC Summer Camp

The camp organizers, Laura Smith, Dana Decker, and Kayla Loving, will share information about what to expect as a camper, planning opportunities for BIPOC youth and adults, counselor and volunteer positions for BIPOC adults, and how to get involved as a white person.

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