Tax deductible ways you can give:
Become a sustaining donor by clicking here.
Make an one-time online donation by clicking here.
Send a Check to our us Education Justice Coalition of Vermont 393 Manhattan Drive Burlington, Vermont 05401. Checks sometimes get lost in the mail! So if you send a check please email so we can keep an eye out for it.
Buy a “Change is Possible” sweatshirt for $70 or more by clicking here. More than half of the cost of the sweatshirt goes directly to us!
Donate Another Way: If there is another way you are hoping to donate reach out to Alyssa at
Thanks to our many donors including:
Haymarket People’s Fund
Nellie Mae Education Foundation
VT Department of Health
United Way
Vermont Women’s Fund
Alchemist Foundation
Ben & Jerry’s
Vermont Humanities
Concept Rowing
And many generous individual donors!