Sanctuary Schools

The Education Justice Coalition of Vermont has partnered with multiple immigration rights organizations and individual advocates to create an updated Sanctuary School Model Policy. We are encouraging students, educators, school support staff, families and community members to ban together to pass this policy!

We need to ensure schools remain safe places for all students. As Trump ramps up his plans for mass deportation, enshrining our schools as sanctuary schools is a key to ensuring immigrant students feel safe at school. We recognize policy may likely change during the Trump presidency and we will work to keep this page updated as circumstances change.

Steps you can take right now to move towards sanctuary schools (more info here):

  1. Provide specific guidance for ALL staff about what to do if ICE shows up: Who do people call? What actions do they take (or not take) until that person is reached?

  2. Provide information about what a judicial warrant looks like and the difference between a judicial warrant and an administrative warrant.

  3. Communicate with students and families in home language about your commitment to keeping immigrant students, family members, and the larger community safe, including specific action steps you are taking. 

  4. Provide information to educators, students, families, and community about Know Your Rights, community services, legal support, etc. (see an example event held in Burlington in 2017)

What does Trump’s removal of the protected areas policy mean for sanctuary schools? Can schools still be sanctuary schools? You can find answers to commonly asked questions here.

The Education Justice Coalition of Vermont has partnered with multiple immigration rights organizations and individual advocates to create an updated Sanctuary School Model Policy. We are encouraging students, educators, school support staff, families and community members to ban together to pass this policy! You can see Winooski in the news here and here who is working to pass a sanctuary schools model policy.

Sanctuary Schools Presentation

Community Organizing Resources for Sanctuary Schools 

Policy Implementation Resources for Sanctuary Schools