Past Events
From Incarceration to Education
Join Free Her, Vermont Student Anti-racism Network, and the Education Justice Coalition at our Incarceration to Education event. We’ll be marching from the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility to Orchard School to demonstrate our commitment to moving resources. Upon gathering we’ll hear from Free Her on their important campaign to stop the building of a new Women's Prison in Vermont. Then join us at the school for a shared meal and community panel to hear from students, educators, and community members on this topic.
Educator of Color Retreat
The Vermont Educators of Color Association is hosting a retreat October 19-20 at Hulbert Outdoor Center in Fairlee, VT. If you are a self-identified educator of color, we encourage you to join us! While many of us are k-12 educators, we welcome educators in any setting from early education, to after school, to higher education.
Our Children are Not a Threat: Keeping Children Safe in the Age of Threat Assessments
Currently, Vermont schools are not required to do Behavior Threat Assessments. However, all schools will be required to have a trained Behavioral Threat Assessment Team by July 1, 2025. There are limits on when a Behavioral Threat Assessment can be used. Join us on Thursday, February 15th 5:30-7:00pm on Zoom to learn the facts about threat assessments, how they can put children (especially those with marginalized identities) at risk, and what you can do if a child you know is undergoing a threat assessment.
Exploring Social Justice Union Organizing
Come join the Education Justice Coalition to learn about and discuss the ways social justice union organizing can help us protect our communities from right-wing attacks. We’ll explore some key concepts such as bargaining for the common good and look to past teacher union struggles and wins for inspiration. We’ll end the evening by applying what we learn to the Vermont context and the current political moment.
Conflict Process Training 101
Our Relational Care Crew is excited to share our conflict process for our organization. In this 101 training we're excited to normalize conflict, share this process with you, and practice engaging in the process together.
Applying Inclusive and Equitable Teaching Practices
The Education Organizing Committee is excited to host a class supporting educators to shift their practices to build on and move towards the updated Inclusive Education Quality Standards. This class is a facilitated, hybrid learning opportunity to dig into the teaching practices introduced in this toolkit. As part of this project we are offering a free book, BIPOC stipends, optional graduate credit, and an in-person celebration of learning.
Take Action! Stop the Evictions!
On June 1st 766 households are going to be evicted from their housing. In Summer 2023, the state will evict another 1800 households including families, 500-600 children, and more than 1000 people with disabilities and significant medical conditions. At this event you’ll learn more about what’s happening and how you can take action to stop the mass eviction.
Volunteer Orientation
This is an opportunity to get involved in our education organizing work. We are also interested in receiving support with fundraising, communications, HHB (hazing, bullying, and harassment), childcare, taxes, and driving youth to events.
Full Funding for Public Schools in a post COVID Recovery Funds Era
COVID Recovery Funds (ARP ESSER) are coming to a close fall of 2024. Many of these funds were used to support our most vulnerable students. At this event, we’ll discuss why we need to continue fully funding public schools to create the environments our educators and students need and deserve. There will be a panel with Jo-Anne Smith, Colin Robinson, Maria Davies, Théo Soucy, and Addie Letzner. We’ll also review the report we just released: Full Funding for Public Schools in a Post COVID Recovery Funds Era.