Coalition for Transforming School Safety

Our Vermont-based Coalition for Transforming School Safety (formerly the Police out of Schools Coalition) came together in the summer of 2020 to dispel the myth that schools are safer with police in Vermont schools. As a statewide Coalition, our focus includes alternatives to police and dialogue around how to keep schools safe and how to implement restorative and transformative justice in schools.

We are a part of the coalition along with Vermont Legal Aid, Vermont Human Rights Commission, Outright Vermont, Vermont Family Network, All Brains Belong, ACLU of Vermont, Vermont Center for Independent Living.

Narratives for Change

This coalition launched a powerful storytelling project that aims to shed light on experiences with harassment, hazing, and bullying in schools in Fall 2023.

The project seeks to raise awareness about the impact of these negative behaviors and advocate for positive change within schools statewide. We believe that by sharing collective stories, we can create connections and validation that support a healing process for affected students. The group is currently writing a report based on the stories that were told. Stay tuned as we expect to release the report in early 2025.

We’ll also be offering an all-day youth-led training that includes three workshops to empower youth to organize and learn how to address bullying, harassment, and hazing in their schools. The workshops will cover 1) bystander intervention, 2) know your rights, and 3) advocacy initiatives in schools. Learn more and apply here.

Behavioral Threat Assessments

Currently, Vermont schools are not required to do Behavior Threat Assessments. However, all schools will be required to have a trained Behavioral Threat Assessment Team by July 1, 2025. There are limits on when a Behavioral Threat Assessment can be used. Learn the facts about threat assessments, how they can put children (especially those with marginalized identities) at risk, and what you can do if a child you know is undergoing a threat assessment.

Check out our toolkit.

Police Out of Schools Toolkit

In spring of 2022 we launched our collaborative Police Out of Schools Toolkit. Here you’re find a compilation of wisdom including location and national research as well as resources and stories from our grassroots movement in Vermont.

Check out the toolkit.

Our Videos

Events We’ve Held

September 2020 – Should Police be in Vermont Schools? 

October 2020Alternatives to Policing in Vermont Schools 

December 2020 – Chat with us about getting police out of schools – Vermont Legal Aid Dispelling Myths Factsheet

March 2021 – From Restorative Justice to Transformative Justice: Foundations of Restorative Justice – Punitive – Restorative – Transformative Justice Comparison Tool

May 2021 – From Transformative Justice to Restorative Justice: Exploring Youth-led Restorative Justice

Feb 2024 - Our Children are Not a Threat: Keeping Children Safe in the Age of Threat Assessments